List is a package for dealing with iterators.


List data structure represents the pair of current and rest items.

There are many functions to use Lists, so they are categorized here.


These functions generate a new list from some data:

  • build creates a list from an appending function.
  • digits makes a number a list of digits.
  • empty creates a list with no items.
  • iota is an infinite list of integers.
  • range creates a list of numbers for the right half-open interval.
  • repeat creates an infinite list that repeats a value.
  • repeatWith creates an infinite list that repeats to call a function.
  • replicate creates a list that repeats a value specified times.
  • singleton creates a list with the item.
  • singletonWith creates a list with item from the function.
  • successors creates an infinite list with mutating by the function.
  • unfoldR creates a list with the builder function.

These function convert from the data structure into a list:

  • fromArray converts from an Array.
  • fromIterable converts from an Iterable.
  • fromOption converts from an Option.
  • fromReduce converts from a data structure that is an instance of Reduce.
  • fromString converts from a String.

These function convert from a list into the data structure:

  • toArray converts into an eager Array of items.
  • toIterator converts a lazy Iterator.
  • toString converts a list of strings by join method.


There are some functions to query the item in a list:

  • atMay gets the n-th item of list.
  • elemIndex finds the index of matching element.
  • elemIndices finds the indices of matching element.
  • findIndex finds the index of element satisfies the predicate.
  • findIndices finds the indices of element satisfies the predicate.
  • head gets the first item of list.
  • isNull returns whether the list is empty.
  • last gets the last item of list.
  • length finds the length of list.
  • tail gets the items of list except the first.
  • unCons decomposes the option having head item and rest items.


These functions operate a list of list:

  • cartesianProduct works with combinations from two lists.
  • choices creates unsorted combinations from two lists.
  • concat flattens a list of list.
  • concatMap transforms a list into the list of list and flattens it.
  • diagonal extracts the sequential diagonal from a two-dimensional list.
  • diagonals leaves the sequential diagonal of a two-dimensional list.
  • enumerate appends the indices.
  • group unifies the equal adjacent elements.
  • groupBy unifies the adjacent elements which satisfies the predicate.
  • intercalate inserts items among each list of list.
  • interleave transposes and flattens a two-dimensional list.
  • interleaveTwoWay transposes and flattens two lists.
  • intersperse joins lists with a separator.
  • permutations creates a list of permutations.
  • subsequences creates a list of subsequences.
  • subsequencesExceptEmpty creates a list of subsequences except the empty list.
  • transpose transposes a two-dimensional list.
  • tupleCartesian composes two lists into a list of tuple of combinations.
  • zip composes two lists as a list of tuple.
  • zip3 composes three lists as a list of tuple.
  • zip4 composes four lists as a list of tuple.
  • zipWith composes two lists as a list of item made by the function.

These functions modify elements of list:

  • apply exhausts items of the list with applying each function of the list.
  • applyCartesian applies the parameters to the functions with all combinations.
  • drop ignores prefix items by the count.
  • dropWhile ignores prefix items which satisfies the predicate.
  • dropWhileEnd ignores suffix items which satisfies the predicate.
  • filter passes only if the item satisfies the predicate.
  • flatMap maps items of the list by the function and flattens it.
  • init removes the last item of the list.
  • map transforms items of the list by the function.
  • mapOption transforms items of the list, or removes if the function returned a none.
  • reverse reverses the list items.
  • stripPrefix strips the matching prefix.
  • take takes prefix items by the count.
  • takeWhile takes prefix items while the item satisfies the predicate.

These functions add elements to list:

  • appendToHead adds the item to the head of list.
  • appendToTail adds the item to the tail of list.
  • plus concatenates two lists.

These functions decompose list into other ones:

  • span splits the list with the predicate.
  • spanNot splits the list with the negative predicate.
  • splitAt splits the list at the position.
  • unzip decomposes the list of tuples into a tuple of lists.

These functions fold values of list:

  • either transforms the list either the head value exists or not.
  • foldL folds values of the list from the left-side with an initial value.
  • foldL1 folds values of the list from the left-side.
  • foldR folds values of the list from the right-side with an initial value.
  • foldR1 folds values of the list from the right-side.
  • scanL folds values of the list with leaving breadcrumbs.





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