This module provides the mutable reference in the state transformer monad. It allows you to program destructive operations safely.

Mut<S, A> lets you use in-place operations including variable scope. Type argument S means a thread scope where is belonged, and A means the type of computation result. It manages computation as a lazily evaluated function, so you can combine operations using mutability freely.

A key to access the value in the thread is called MutRef. You need them to interact functions of this module such as:

  • newMutRef - Allocates a new object and takes it's reference.
  • readMutRef - Reads a current value of the reference.
  • mapMutRef - Reads from the reference and processes by the specified function.
  • writeMutRef - Write a new value to the reference.
  • modifyMutRef - Reads a current value and writes a new value processed by the specified function.
  • dropMutRef - Destroys the reference and deallocates its object.

They are returns the result over Mut monad, which wraps destructive operations like State monad. You may use doMut utility function to build and run Mut operations immediately. For example,

import { type MutCat, doMut, newMutRef, readMutRef, writeMutRef } from "./mut.ts"
const res = doMut(<S>(cat: MutCat<S>) =>
.addM("ref", newMutRef("hello"))
.addMWith("text", ({ ref }) => readMutRef(ref))
.runWith(({ ref, text }) => writeMutRef(ref)(`${text} world`))
.finishM(({ ref }) => readMutRef(ref))

MutRef is internally implemented as a function taking variables dictionary and returning a computation result. But userland should not to read the value by force because it can occur some unsoundness.



Type Aliases


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