This package provides serialization/deserialization utilities for ArrayBuffer. It is useful for implementing encoder/decoder for you data structure.

Serial Model

Serializer and Deserializer work on Builder model. It has these primitives below:

  • i8/u8
  • i16/u16
  • i32/u32
  • i64/u64

And also serializing string as UTF-8 sequence is supported by encUtf8/decUtf8, as a composite builder.

Their features are provided as each monad, monadForCodeM and monadForDecoder respectively. So you can combine them with using these monads and CatT system.


An Encoder<T> denotes that a function transforming data T to a Code, which writes bytes to an ArrayBuffer through DataView.

There are utility functions to encode primitive data:

  • Basics
    • encUnit - Does nothing
    • encSum - Useful to encode a sum type
  • Numerics
    • encI8/encU8
    • encI16Be / encI16Le / encU16Be / encU16Le
    • encI32Be / encI32Le / encU32Be / encU32Le
    • encI64Be / encI64Le / encU64Be / encU64Le
    • encF32Be / encF32Le
    • encF64Be / encF64Le
  • String
    • encUtf8
  • And internal others exported

Also you can compose and customize encoders by CodeM's monad to create your own encoder like this:

import { type Encoder, encU32Be, encUtf8, monadForCodeM, runCode } from "./serial.ts";
import { doT } from "./cat.ts";

type MyType = {
name: string;
age: number;
const myEncoder: Encoder<MyType> = (data: MyType) =>
.finishM(() => encU32Be(data.age));
const serial = runCode(myEncoder({ name: "Shigure Ui", age: 17 }));

Note that an Encoder serializes lazily. You need pass a Code to runCode to evaluate it.


A Decoder<T> denotes that a function parsing Code to data T.

There are utility functions to decode primitive data:

  • Basics
    • decSum - Useful to decode a sum type
    • failDecoder - Useful to report decoding error
  • Numerics
    • decI8/encU8
    • decI16Be / decI16Le / decU16Be / decU16Le
    • decI32Be / decI32Le / decU32Be / decU32Le
    • decI64Be / decI64Le / decU64Be / decU64Le
    • decF32Be / decF32Le
    • decF64Be / decF64Le
  • String
    • decUtf8
  • And internal others exported

Unlike encoders, they are needed to invoke to get a Decoder by an internal implementation reason.

Also you can compose and customize decoders by Decoder's monad to create your own decoder like this:

import { type Decoder, decU32Be, decUtf8, failDecoder, monadForDecoder, runDecoder } from "./serial.ts";
import { doT } from "./cat.ts";

type MyType = {
name: string;
age: number;
const myDecoder: Decoder<MyType> =
.addM("name", decUtf8())
.addM("age", decU32Be())
({ age }) => age < 0,
({ age }) => failDecoder(`expected non-negative age, but got ${age}`),
.finish(({ name, age }) => ({ name, age }));
const decode = (binary: ArrayBuffer) => {
const result = runDecoder(myDecoder)(binary);
// ...

Note that you need to match the process orders of your encoder and decoder, because it reads/writes a binary sequence by written order. If you consider the version of your data, you may use Envelope to append a version.



Type Aliases



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